Faculty of Humanities
School of Social Sciences
Department of Political Sciences
South African politics - Research Output
Research articles in refereed specialist journals:
Stols C: 2002. Management after magic: A discussion and comparison between the leadership styles of Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki. Africa Insight, 32 (2) / Jun, pp 32-38.
Vickers B: 2002. Pulpit morality or penny-pinching diplomacy? The discursive debate on Mandela's foreign policy. Politeia: Tydskrif vir Politieke Wetenskappe, 21 (2), pp 80-100.
Wolmarans FG: 2002. A 'conversation' concerning political understanding: Bacon contra Augustine or the 'politics of faith' contra the 'politics of scepticism'. Politikon, 29 (1), pp 71-86.