Research 2002

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Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
School of Biological Sciences
Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology

Postgraduate Student Research Projects 2002

Bartie C: A comparison of different methods for the detection of Legionella in industrial water systems (Prof LH Nel)

Jacobs JA: Specific RNA- and protein-binding characteristics of the nucleoprotein of a South African rabies virus isolated (Prof LH Nel)

Koster E: Genetic and phonotypic characterization of native fowl populations in South Africa (Prof LH Nel)

Sabeta C: Molecular epidemiology of rabies in Zimbabwe (Prof LH Nel)

Venter SN: An enhanced microbial water quality monitoring design using a novel area prioritization approach to site selection (Prof TE Cloete)

Beukes H: Course work (Prof TE Cloete)

Diergaardt SM: Isolation of Campylobacter from water and its fitness in an aquatic biofilm (Prof VS Brözel)

du Preez M: Development of novel seminested polymerase chain reaction assays for detecting toxigenic Vibrio cholerae and Shigella spp. In water (Dr J Theron)

Espach A: The cloning and expression of the Rift Valley Gever G Genes for the development of a DNA vaccine (Prof LH Nel)

Goosen C: Development of PCR-based detection assays for Legionella pneumophila in water (Mr SN Venter)

Hunter GC: Mycospharella spp. Species causing leaf blotch on Eucalyptus species in South Africa (Prof TA Coutinho)

Jacobs R: Characterisation of Botryosphaeria species from mango in South Africa (Prof L Korsten)

Louw K: Antimicrobial activity of indigenous butbous plant extracts to control selected pathogens (Prof L Korsten)

Markotter W: Binding determinants in the interaction of the Orbivirus non-structural protein, NS2, with single-stranded RNA (Prof LH Nel)

Meiring MS: Regulation aspects of genes expressed during different stages of biofilm development in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Dr J Theron)

Nemato H: Course work (Prof TE Cloete)

Posthimus C: Course work (Prof TE Cloete)

Schoeman MV: Comparative studies on Dothiorella of avocado. (Prof L Korsten)

van Broekhuizen W: Detection, characterisation and suppression of Ralstonia solanacearum (Prof L Korsten)


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