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Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
School of Physical Sciences
Department of Chemistry

Selected Highlights from Research Findings

The Theories of Chemistry authored by Prof Jan Boeyens, Head of the Department – a specialist text in theoretical Chemistry and, as far as is known, the first in 50 years – was published by Elsevier after three years' work. The book reviews the theories that underpin chemistry, yet are not traditionally recognized as such, being normally considered as part of physics. Based on the argument that the needs of chemistry are distinctive, a mathematical structure is outlined of topics such as quantum mechanics, relativity theory, thermodynamics ans statistical mechanics suiting the needs of chemistry. The subject matter is outlined in a sequence that reveals the foundations of chemistry. It differs from what is conventionally emphasized because of the different approach that it argues for the recognition of chemistry as an emergent discipline, ultimately based on the properties and structure of space and time.
The Theories of Chemistry, die eerste spesialisteks in teoretiese Chemie die afgelope 50 jaar (sover bekend) is geskryf deur prof Jan Boeyens, hoof van die Departement, en na drie jaar se werk deur Elsevier gepubliseer. Die boek beskryf die teorieë wat chemie onderlę, maar tradisioneel nie so erken word nie, aangesien dit normaalweg as deel van fisika gesien word. Gebaseer op die argument dat die behoeftes van chemie kenmerkend is, word 'n wiskundige struktuur uiteengesit van onderwerpe soos kwantummeganika, relatiwiteitsteorie, termodinamika en statistiese meganika om aan die behoeftes van chemie te voldoen. Die vakmateriaal word só uiteengesit dat dit die basis van chemie blootlę. Dit verskil van wat konvensioneel beklemtoon word vanweë die verskil in benadering deurdat dit erkenning van chemie as opkomende dissipline bepleit, wat per slot van rekening op die eienskappe en struktuur van ruimte en tyd gegrond is.
Contact person: Prof JCA Boeyens.

See Research Report Vol 1
Contact person: Prof ER Rohwer.


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