Research 2003

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Faculty of Theology

Prof CJA Vos, Dean

Telephone number: 012 420 2322
Fax number: 012 420 4016
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Preface by the Dean

The Faculty of Theology is energized to engage with the challenges of postmodern philosophy for doing theology in a changed national and international milieu. An important characteristic of the research strategy in the Faculty of Theology is its holistic nature. According to this strategy human beings are regarded as embedded in their natural, physical, social, and spiritual environments. The focus areas in the various academic departments are therefore increasingly aimed at interdisciplinary dialogue.

The systematic and ethical theologians focused, inter alia, on political issues, the theology and natural science dialogue, economics and the moral responsibilities of Internet service providers. In the Department of Science of Religion and Missiology the previous years' research on the contribution made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission extended to a South African inter-faith debate with Islam. Church historians focused their attention on the 350 years history of Protestantism in South Africa and the spirituality of the Presbyterian tradition. The Biblical scientists' publications developed from international projects about the Psalms, the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible), the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the theme of 'redemption' and the apocryphal writings. In the Department of Practical Theology a project on HIV/Aids, in collaboration with colleagues from the Netherlands, was a highlight. Continual gender studies corresponding to religious psychology and religious sociology resulted in published research outputs. A promising research 'theopoetry' project was rounded off with the purpose of publishing it internationally. In the last-mentioned project, the Psalms were extracted for Practical Theology to allow preachers to use the metaphors contained therein and to link it with a theological game using current cultural icons such as Superman, Spiderman and Frodo of Lord of the Rings.

In the Faculty of Theology research is supported by courses in research methodology for postgraduate students. The research of postgraduate students and professionals who have obtained a doctoral degree is integrated with the research projects of faculty members in collaboration with an extensive network of international research associates. The two scholarly theological journals of the Faculty, HTS Theological Studies and Verbum et Ecclesia, are internationally recognised and accredited for their scientific standard. The editorial boards include various international scholars. The task of the Centre for Theology and Society is to transform the results of scientific research for use by the general public. For this purpose Bible Schools and short courses are presented.

Inleiding deur die Dekaan

Die sistematiese en etiese teoloë het, onder andere, aandag gegee aan politieke kwessies, die ekonomie en die morele verantwoordelikheid van internetdiensverskaffers. In die Department Godsdiens- en Sendingwetenskap het die vorige jare se navorsing oor die bydrae van die Waarheid- en Versoeningskommissie uitgebrei na ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse intergeloof debat met Islam. Kerkhistorici het veral gefokus op die 350-jarige geskiedenis van Protestantisme in Suid-Afrika en die spiritualiteit in die Presbiteriaanse tradisie. Die Bybelwetenskaplikes se publikasies het voortgespruit uit internasionale projekte oor die Psalms, die Pentateug (eeste vyf Bybelboeke), die Griekse vertaling van die Ou Testament, die tema 'verlossing' en apokriewe geskrifte. In die Departement Praktiese Teologie het ‘n projek in samewerking met Nederlandse kollegas oor HIV/VIGS ‘n hoogtepunt bereik. Voortgesette genderstudies in dialoog met godsdienspsigologie en godsdienssosiologie het in gepubliseerde navorsingsuitsette uitgemond en ‘n belowende navorsing oor 'teopoësie' is afgerond met die oog op ‘n internasionale publikasie. In laasgenoemde projek is die Psalms vir die Praktiese Teologie ontgin sodat predikers met vrug gebruik kan maak van die metaforiek daarin en dit met ‘n 'teologiese spel' verbind met huidige kulturele ikone soos Superman, Spiderman en Lord of the Rings se Frodo.

Prof CJA Vos


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