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Output 2004
Research articles in refereed specialist journals

Molecular Ecology

Article Title

Burland T, Bennett NC, Jarvis JUM, Faulkes CG: 2004. Colony structure and parentage in wild colonies of co-operatively breeding Damaraland mole-rats suggest incest avoidance alone may not maintain reproductive skew. 13, pp 2371-2379.

Bishop JM, Jarvis JUM, Spinks AC, Bennett NC, O Ryan C: 2004. Molecular insight into patterns of colony composition and paternity in the common mole-rat Cryptomys hottentotus hottentotus. 13, pp 1217-1229.

Faulkes CG, Verheyen E, Verheyen W, Jarvis JUM, Bennett NC: 2004. Phylogeographical patterns of genetic divergence and speciation in African mole-rats (Family: Bathyergidae). 13, pp 613-629.