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Output 2004
Research articles in refereed specialist journals

Ekklesiastikos Pharos

Article Title

Swart GJ: 2004. A reasoned proposal regarding the interpretation of Luke 15:32. 86 (15), pp 206-218.

du Toit M: 2004. The Abercius Epitaph: Proving its Christian character through an analysis of its symbolism. 86 (15), pp 219-232.

Stander HF: 2004. The role of honour and shame in Chrysostom's Commentaries on the Pauline Epistles. 86 (15), pp 136-145.

Lombaard CJS: 2004. Three Pentateuchal slavery codes (Ex. 21:1-11; Deut.15:12-18; Lev. 25:39-55) - closely and comparatively read. 86 (15), pp 261-276.