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Output 2002
Research articles in refereed specialist journals

South African Journal of Education

Dada S, Alant E: 2002. A comparative study of the attitudes of teachers at special and educationally inclusive schools towards learners with little or no functional speech using communication devices. 22 (3) / Aug, pp 213-218.

North EJ: 2002. A decade of entrepreneurship education in South Africa. 22 (1) / Feb, pp 24-27.

Maile S: 2002. Accountability: an essential aspect of school governance. 22 (4) / Nov, pp 326-331.

Maree JG, Malan R, Basson NJS: 2002. Betroubaarheid van enkele vakdidaktiese assesseringsinstrumente. 22 (3) / Aug, pp 219-229.

Alant E, Tönsing KM, van der Bijl C: 2002. Die effek van prentgrootte en prentplasing op geheue van geskrewe woorde by kinders met min of geen voorgeletterdheidsvaardighede. 22 (1) / Feb, pp 40-46.

Maree JG, Steyn TM: 2002. Graphical exploration of two-dimentional functions - an aid to mastering fundamental calculus concepts. 22 (1) / Feb, pp 47 - 55.

van Rooyen L, Hartell CG: 2002. Health of the street child: the relation between life-style, immunity and HIV/AIDS - a synergy of research. 22 (3) / Aug, pp 188-192.

le Roux J, Möller T: 2002. No problem! Avoidance of cultural diversity in teacher training. 22 (3) / Aug, pp 184-187.

Viljoen J, Naudé H, Neveling S: 2002. Ouerbegeleidingsbehoeftes ten aansien van die fisiek-gestremde voorskoolse kind as voorbereiding vir 'n insluitende onderwysomgewing. 22 (4) / Nov, pp 338-344.

Moore A, van Rooyen L: 2002. Recognition of Prior Learning as an integral component of competence-based assessment in South Africa. 22 (4) / Nov, pp 293-296.

Maile S: 2002. Retention practices in education human resources management. 22 (4) / Nov, pp 332-337.

Netshitahame EN, van Vollenhoven WJ: 2002. School safety in rural schools: Are schools as safe as we think they are?. 22 (4) / Nov, pp 313-318.